Aartech Solonics Limited
Welcome to Aartech Solonics – A System Solution Oriented R&D Enterprise in the field of Specialised and Selected Energy Applications. Aartech is continuously building on its core strength to identify, research, develop and deploy new technologies with a view to provide specialised system solutions for select challenges posed by the ever increasing demand and utilisation of energy.
Depending on your interest, you may look at our range of Solutions, Industries, and Products to locate information to your needs. Please contact us with your problems and queries, no matter how unique or unconventional it may appear, and our team would be happy to assist you to their best abilities with the right state-of-the-art technology solution.
After all, we believe that Aartech Solonics stands for “Always Apply Right TECHnology – Dare to go SOLO and apply all available techNICS to solve the problem at hand”.
At a fundamental level, we realize the seriousness of the energy crisis looming large on our society. Yet, in practical terms, it is difficult to materialize this energy consciousness to adaptive ground level realities in more specific and pertinent energy applications for everyday personal, professional and industrial use. Further, the numerous products and services in the market can be very confusing for the most informed users at times. What is really felt necessary is the ability to provide end-to-end solutions to complicated, challenging and often custom-specific technical problems that we face in real life, in a simple, reasonably defined and reliable manner.Read More..
Aartech’s offering are applicable across a wide range of industry domains. With the rising industrialization, energy consumption is scaling unprecedented growths. Simultaneously, energy consciousness is getting increasingly relevant, motivated by self-disciplining, regulatory, economic or customer driven measures. This is finding expression not only in conventionally utility driven domains of power generation (Thermal, Nuclear, Diesel ),power transmission and power distribution which is getting increasingly deregulated and mixed with new measures such as Captive Power Generation & Distributed Generation, penetrated by the growingRead More..